We offer challenges to our group. Below is the results of my answer to the most recent challenge.
Each brought four pictures. Some of them were photos; some were pictures that we liked from other sources. The challenge was to use the pictures individually to inspire you to develop a 14"x14" quilt.
Holly brought a picture of a gypsy woman that I (of course) can't seem to find. I focused on the eyes. This is what came of her picture. I call it "The Eyes Have It". The eye was drawn with paint sticks. Most of the fabrics were my hand dyed fabrics. The middle of the sandwich is actually black polyester fleece.

Here is a close up of quilting.

The next picture was Aileen's. It is a snapshot of a piece of ice sculpture. I enhanced it in Photoshop and printed it on to silk organza fabric to give it an ethereal quality.

Here is the finished quilt.

Here is a close up of the quilting.

The last quilt that I have for this entry is from my photo. My uncle sent this to me. It is a picture of my great grandmother, her sister and my grandmother.
I brought the photo into photoshop, deconstructed it, added color and printed the individual pics on silk haboti. Here is the result:

The background is a commerically dyed silk dupioni. The inserts are silk pieces from my stash that are stamped with a matching fabric paint.
Here is a close up:

That's my Grandma Helen. The adjacent picture is my great grandmother and my great, great aunts hands. I embellished the printed fabric with gel pens and colored pencil.
I have one more quit to do. Below is Linda's contribution. She came to the group late. We asked her to join when another memeber left. I haven't done too much with her quilt. Stay tuned....
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