Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"A Clear Choice"

"A Clear Choice" will become a part of the PAQA "I didn't know Quilts could be Political" traveling exhibit. It was accepted into a show that is in Houston at the International Quilt Festival. I'll let you know where it is going to be next. My quilts get to places I've never been before. That's kind of strange. Whatever!


  1. Darcy, this is such a wonderful likeness !!!! I'm soooo glad I got to see it up close at the PAQA meeting yesterday.

  2. Darcy, this is wonderful! I am so bummed I didn't get to PAQA to see it in person.

  3. Oct. 14th 2008
    A friend just sent this website to me to view ... this is wonderful (to say the least) and I certainly hope Obama is aware of it!!!
    If he does becoome president I hope you send it to him so he can display it in the White House.

  4. Hey Darcy,
    You spoke of this at Aunt TeeDee's -- it really is amazing!!

